Funny Sheep Mini Sweary Affirmation Cards Funny Sheep Mini Sweary Affirmation Cards

Funny Sheep Mini Sweary Affirmation Cards


This mini square pocket-sized deck has 20 affirmation cards. Printed on heavy card stock with rounded corners, and packaged in a plastic case.

These cards are meant to give you a nice swift kick in the butt to get your shit together. If you enjoy a good curse word, these are the perfect cards for you and your friends!

Size: Approximately 2.5"

Each pack includes:

  • Inhale, exhale, and let that shit go.
  • I vow to notice the little fucking details today.
  • I don't have to be perfect to be fucking awesome.
  • I fucking left the house today, and I rocked it like a badass.
  • I am going to invite mother nature to nourish the shit out of my soul today.
  • I can do anything. With a little profanity and sarcasm.
  • I paid my bills today, and rocked the shit out of it.
  • I am going to make a conscious choice to adult today. Like a fucking boss.
  • I am my own biggest cheerleader. And I am fucking amazing.
  • I will find my happy place. And I will go with the fucking flow.
  • I will throw glitter in today's face.
  • Everything is going to be fucking okay.
  • I am fucking enough.
  • I need no one's fucking approval of my decisions.
  • Today is a new fucking day. I got this.
  • My gut knows what's up. I am going to trust that fucking bitch.
  • I believe in my own fucking power.
  • Today I focus on progress, not fucking perfection.
  • I am fucking powerful.
  • I will take advantage of the opportunities that come my way. I'm badass like that.

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