
Baby Milestones Photo Ideas

Posted by May Abu Jaber on

When you are a new parent, every single thing your baby does might seem incredible - and it is!  It might be hard to figure out how you're going to remember every single experience and new thing your baby learns how to do. 

You can use our Baby Milestone cards to easily create a set of beautiful photos documenting these experiences. You can save them in a photo album for yourself, or share them with your friends and family. These cards can be incredible keepsakes. Here’s a list of some of the phrases on the cards, and some ideas about how to use them!

baby and teddy bear in diapers

Hello World!

You can take this one in the hospital, and using the card can help you remember that this photo was your baby's first one.

1 - 6 weeks old  and 1 - 11 months old 

You can have a lot of fun with these! Each month can be a separate theme. If you’re into Disney, for example. you can pick a different princess each month and create a little set with items you already have around the house and dress your baby in a colorful outfit that matches the theme.

Today is my first birthday 

Throughout some parts of the world, a great first birthday tradition is a “smash cake”. These cakes are primarily frosting, and the idea is to set them in front of your baby on their first birthday and allow them to smash the cake and get messy! This is generally used as a photo op, so you can use the “Today is my first birthday” card when setting up the photoshoot.

Today I said my first word 

For this occasion, you can take a cute photograph by having your baby pose next to Scrabble tiles or any kind of letter block spelling out whatever their first word was. 

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